Finally!!! 13 times makes a charm!
No seriously, we’ve been in Disneyland Paris for so many visits and we never got the chance to try the soft serve. Literally every time something got in the way: the cart was closed, the machine was broken, or the roarsome delight was not available because it wasn’t on the menu any more. So, the expectations were very very high!

Al tough the sorbet looked a little different than on the menu, it still looked very delicious. The odd appearance had something to do with the food process. We think the machine just had a refill and it had not been stirred correctly during the cooling process. The gelato was very dense and a bit frozen and tasted too creamy.
However, after working through the top layer of the (not correctly whipped) whip we got to the mango juice and pieces. What A Delight! It’s not as refreshing as the world famous pineapple dolewhip, but Pelle likes mango better than pineapple and the balance between sweet and sour, fresh and creamy was perfect.

We enjoyed the frozen treat at at Café de la Brousse and for the price of €4,99 you cannot fall through the ice.
Have you tried this treat yet?
Have a magical week!