We are expecting our first baby and we are so excited! We still continued our Disney addiction and went on quite a few trips during the pregnancy. Pregnancy has a big impact on your day-to-day live but also on your Disney trip, so that why we made a special blogpost about being pregnant in Disneyland Paris. We will give you a couple of tips on how to survive a Disney trip while carrying a new addition to your family.
First of all just some simple tips:
- Take breaks. This might be a little hard considering the excitement you’ll feel at the most magical place on earth, but remember that your body is making a miracle in itself and that takes a lot of energy from you. So make sure to give your body some rest once in a while or even take a little nap throughout the day at your hotel.
- Drink and eat enough. So we all know that pregnant women don’t need to eat for two, but have to eat a little more than usual because you’ll also have to feed the little one. And a lot of hydration is always important but especially once you carry a little human being with you. Also make sure that you know what your allowed and not allowed to eat during your pregnancy.
- Stay out of the sun. The sun isn’t really healthy for your skin during pregnancy, so try to stay out of the sun as much as possible and use lots sunscreen.
- Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. During pregnancy clothing aren’t as comfortable as they use to be. At Disney you’ll walk for hours and hours so make sure to wear comfortable shoes, with lots of support, this will help you out quite a lot throughout the day.
- Be informed, once you enter the park go to Donald Desk, City Hall or Studio Services, a cast member will give you all the information on pregnancy you’ll need during your trip.

Now on to the real stuff:
There are quite some rides you’re not allowed to ride while being pregnant. At the entrance of all the rides you’ll find a sign with the queue times and symbols on the bottom. If you see a pregnant lady with a cross or red stripe across the body you are not allowed to go in this attraction.
Attractions you are allowed to enjoy at the Disneyland Park:
- La Carrousel De Lancelot
- Disneyland Railroad
- Dumbo the flying Elephant
- Alice’s Curious Labyrinth
- Le Pays des Contes de Fees
- It’s a Small World
- La Cabane des Robinson
- Le Passage Enchante d’Aladdin
- Buzzlightyear Laser Blast
- Orbitron
- Les Mystères du Nautilus
- Riverboat
Attractions you are allowed to enjoy at the Walt Disneys Studios Park:
- Stitch Live
- Tram Tour
- Stunt Show
- Animation Célébration
Other options you can do:
So there are so many attractions you are not allowed to experience during the pregnancy, especially at the Walt Disneys Studios Park. If you don’t go often to Disneyland Paris, you may have to consider to propane your trip after you’ve had the baby to fully experience the parks.
There are also lots of other things to do during you Disneyland Paris trip besides the attractions, like shopping for the little one, meeting characters and watching the shows. Check you park map or the Disneyland Paris official app to see what entertainment and which characters you can meet during your trip.

Disneyland Paris’s Service
A great thing Disneyland Paris offers pregnant woman is a Easy access card, once your pregnant you can get a easy access card.
Go to City Hall and bring a English doctors note which confirms your pregnancy. They will give you a little paper card with some information on it and this will be your Easy Access Card.
You go to a cast member on a ride and they will write a come back time, that way, you don’t have to stand in long lines. You can also use this for meeting characters, then you’ll make an “appointment” and come back at that time to meet that character.
Our experience with the Easy Access Card:
We used this during our Halloween trip back in October when Lisanne was 19 weeks pregnant. We only used it to meet characters since we went during a not so crowded week and there weren’t much rides we could ride.
We had to wait up to 10 minutes before a Cast Member would help us and the appointment time where always after 30 minutes or even longer. Once we wanted to meet Max and where 5 minutes late due to blockages from the parade and we had to wait 7 minutes before the Cast Member came to help us. When she finally came to help us she looked at our time and said that we were late and had to make a new appointment which was again 20 minutes late.
So we used it 3 times to meet some characters but still had to stand pretty long before we finally could have a meet and greet and it would be much easier just to stand in line. Because it took us 1,5 hours to make an appointment, wait for the appointment and then wait again before someone would help us. So during our next trip we would just pick shorter lines and just wait.
So if you want to use this service make sure to:
- Bring a doctors note which confirms your pregnancy.
- Be on time for your appointment with a character meet and greet.
- You can only use this card for one thing at a time.
- You still have to wait quite a while before a Cast member will help you.
Congratulations on this wonderful chapter of your life and have a wonderful trip at Disneyland Paris!